Description of the 'strncmp' function in HyperDbg Scripts
strncmp( Str1, Str2, Num );
A MASM-like expression or a string to compare with Str2.
A MASM-like expression or a string to compare with Str1.
Maximum number of characters to compare.
Compares up to Num characters of the string Str1 to the string Str2.
If the characters are equal, the comparison continues with the next pair of characters. This process repeats until the characters differ, a terminating null character is encountered, or Num characters have been compared in both strings, whichever occurs first.
Return value
Returns an integer value indicating the relationship between the strings:
strncmp(fffff806`6de00000, @rax+c0, 0n12);
Compare the the first 12 (decimal) characters of the string located at fffff806`6de00000
with the string located at @rax+c0
strncmp(@rcx, "Test String", b);
Compare the first 0xb (hexadecimal) characters of the string located at @rcx
with the string "Test String"
strncmp("Test String1", "Test String2", 0n7);
Compare the first 7 (decimal) characters of the string "Test String1"
with the string "Test String2"
This function checks for the validity of both the source and the destination address before the comparison.
The support for this function is added from v0.9.
Last updated