sb, sd, sq (search virtual memory)

Description of 'sb, sd, sq' commands in HyperDbg.


sb : search virtual memory as Byte values

sd : search virtual memory as Double-word values (4 bytes)

sq : search virtual memory as Quad-word values (8 bytes)


sb [StartAddress (hex)] [l Length (hex)] [BytePattern (hex)] [pid ProcessId (hex)]

sd [StartAddress (hex)] [l Length (hex)] [BytePattern (hex)] [pid ProcessId (hex)]

sq [StartAddress (hex)] [l Length (hex)] [BytePattern (hex)] [pid ProcessId (hex)]


Searches the virtual memory for a special byte(s).


[StartAddress (hex)]

The virtual address of where we want to start searching from its address.

[l Length (hex)]

Length of the searching area.

[BytePattern (hex)]

Search for these bytes (pattern).

[pid ProcessId (hex)] (optional)

The Process ID in the hex format that we want to see the memory from its context (cr3).

If you don't specify the pid, then the default pid is the current process (HyperDbg) process layout of memory.


The following command is used to search for 4156415748 starting from nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+ffff.

HyperDbg> sb nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag l ffff 41 56 41 57 48 

The following command is used to search for 4156415748 starting from nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+100 to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+100+ffff.

HyperDbg> sb nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+100 l ffff 41 56 41 57 48 

The following command is used to search for 4156415748 starting from fffff807`7356f010 to fffff807`7356f010+ffff.

HyperDbg> sb fffff807`7356f010 l ffff 41 56 41 57 48 

The following example is used when we want to search for f0cc8549 from 7FF62C9016AD to 7FF62C9016AD+fff in a different process (process id = 1dd0) .

HyperDbg> sd 7FF62C9016AD pid 1dd0 l fff f0cc8549 

The following example is used when we want to search for 0f450000`00c0888b 8b410000`0092b1b7 from fffff807`7356f010 to fffff807`7356f010+100.

HyperDbg> sq fffff807`7356f010 l 100 0f450000`00c0888b 8b410000`0092b1b7


This function works by calling DeviceIoControl with IOCTL = IOCTL_DEBUGGER_SEARCH_MEMORY, you have to send it in the following structure.

typedef struct _DEBUGGER_SEARCH_MEMORY {

  UINT64 Address;                            // Target adddress to start searching
  UINT64 Length;                             // Length of bytes to search
  UINT32 ProcessId;                          // specifies the process id
  DEBUGGER_SEARCH_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType;    // Type of memory
  DEBUGGER_SEARCH_MEMORY_BYTE_SIZE ByteSize; // Modification size
  UINT32 CountOf64Chunks;
  UINT32 FinalStructureSize;


The Address is where we want to start searching from its memory, and it can be both a physical address or a virtual address.

ProcessId is the process that we want to modify based on its memory layout (cr3), it can't be null or zero.

MemoryType shows whether the Address is a physical address or a virtual address.

You can see its values in the following enum :


ByteSize shows whether we want to search the target Address in a byte, dword, or qword format.


The above structure is added on top of an array of 64-bit values, which is the new content to the memory.

For example, if you want to search in the memory address of the target for0x90 0x90 then you should provide an array of 0x0000000000000090 and 0x0000000000000090 and append it to the end of the above structure. The count of these chunks is stored at CountOf64Chunks in the above structure and the final buffer that will be sent into the kernel has a size of FinalStructureSize bytes.

Also, you should provide a buffer (size = MaximumSearchResults * sizeof(UINT64)) as the output buffer, so the kernel-mode module will fill this buffer with a 64-bit array or addresses that match our search results.

You can read the result buffer as an UINT64 array, and if you encounter a null entry, then it means there is no other result.


  • You can search for as many bytes as you need in byte, dword, and qword formats; just add the multiple byte(s) values to the end of the command.

This command is guaranteed to keep debuggee in a halt state (in Debugger Mode); thus, nothing will change during its execution.




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