struct [Module!SymbolName (string)] [padding Padding (yesno)] [offset Offset (yesno)] [bitfield Bitfield (yesno)] [native Native (yesno)] [decl Declaration (yesno)] [def Definitions (yesno)] [func Functions (yesno)] [pragma Pragma (yesno)] [prefix Prefix (string)] [suffix Suffix (string)] [inline Expantion (string)] [output FileName (string)]
Displays structures, enums, and data types in a C (header) format.
You can use this command to create C (header) files from all of the symbols (structures, enums, data types) in the modules by using module!*
. See examples for more information.
[Module!SymbolName (string)]
Module name combined with the symbol name (separated by a !
[padding Padding (yesno)] (optional)
Create padding members. (default: yes )
[offset Offset (yesno)] (optional)
Show offsets. (default: yes )
[bitfield Bitfield (yesno)] (optional)
Allow bitfields in the union. (default: no )
[native Native (yesno)] (optional)
Use types from stdint.h instead of native types. (default: no )
[decl Declaration (yesno)] (optional)
Print declarations. (default: yes )
[def Definitions (yesno)] (optional)
Print definitions. (default: yes )
[func Functions (yesno)] (optional)
Print functions. (default: no )
[pragma Pragma (yesno)] (optional)
Print #pragma pack directives. (default: yes )
[prefix Prefix (string)] (optional)
Prefix for all symbols.
[suffix Suffix (string)] (optional)
Suffix for all symbols.
[inline Expantion (string)] (optional)
Specifies expansion of nested structures/unions. (default: unnamed )
none : only the top-most type is printed.
unnamed : unnamed types are nested.
all : all types are nested.
[output FileName (string)] (optional)
Specifies the output file if the user wants to save the printed data.
The following command is used to convert nt!_TOKEN
into a C format code.
Copy 1: kHyperDbg> struct nt!_TOKEN
typedef struct _TOKEN
/* 0x0000 */ struct _TOKEN_SOURCE TokenSource;
/* 0x0010 */ struct _LUID TokenId;
/* 0x0018 */ struct _LUID AuthenticationId;
/* 0x0020 */ struct _LUID ParentTokenId;
/* 0x0028 */ union _LARGE_INTEGER ExpirationTime;
/* 0x0030 */ struct _ERESOURCE* TokenLock;
/* 0x0038 */ struct _LUID ModifiedId;
/* 0x0040 */ struct _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES Privileges;
/* 0x0058 */ struct _SEP_AUDIT_POLICY AuditPolicy;
/* 0x0077 */ char Padding_0;
/* 0x0078 */ uint32_t SessionId;
/* 0x007c */ uint32_t UserAndGroupCount;
/* 0x0080 */ uint32_t RestrictedSidCount;
/* 0x0084 */ uint32_t VariableLength;
/* 0x0088 */ uint32_t DynamicCharged;
/* 0x008c */ uint32_t DynamicAvailable;
/* 0x0090 */ uint32_t DefaultOwnerIndex;
/* 0x0094 */ long Padding_1;
/* 0x0098 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* UserAndGroups;
/* 0x00a0 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* RestrictedSids;
/* 0x00a8 */ void* PrimaryGroup;
/* 0x00b0 */ uint32_t* DynamicPart;
/* 0x00b8 */ struct _ACL* DefaultDacl;
/* 0x00c0 */ enum _TOKEN_TYPE TokenType;
/* 0x00c4 */ enum _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel;
/* 0x00c8 */ uint32_t TokenFlags;
/* 0x00cc */ uint8_t TokenInUse;
/* 0x00cd */ char Padding_2[3];
/* 0x00d0 */ uint32_t IntegrityLevelIndex;
/* 0x00d4 */ uint32_t MandatoryPolicy;
/* 0x00d8 */ struct _SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES* LogonSession;
/* 0x00e0 */ struct _LUID OriginatingLogonSession;
/* 0x00e8 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH SidHash;
/* 0x01f8 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH RestrictedSidHash;
/* 0x0308 */ struct _AUTHZBASEP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION* pSecurityAttributes;
/* 0x0310 */ void* Package;
/* 0x0318 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* Capabilities;
/* 0x0320 */ uint32_t CapabilityCount;
/* 0x0324 */ long Padding_3;
/* 0x0328 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH CapabilitiesHash;
/* 0x0438 */ struct _SEP_LOWBOX_NUMBER_ENTRY* LowboxNumberEntry;
/* 0x0440 */ struct _SEP_CACHED_HANDLES_ENTRY* LowboxHandlesEntry;
/* 0x0448 */ struct _AUTHZBASEP_CLAIM_ATTRIBUTES_COLLECTION* pClaimAttributes;
/* 0x0450 */ void* TrustLevelSid;
/* 0x0458 */ struct _TOKEN* TrustLinkedToken;
/* 0x0460 */ void* IntegrityLevelSidValue;
/* 0x0468 */ struct _SEP_SID_VALUES_BLOCK* TokenSidValues;
/* 0x0470 */ struct _SEP_LUID_TO_INDEX_MAP_ENTRY* IndexEntry;
/* 0x0478 */ struct _SEP_TOKEN_DIAG_TRACK_ENTRY* DiagnosticInfo;
/* 0x0480 */ struct _SEP_CACHED_HANDLES_ENTRY* BnoIsolationHandlesEntry;
/* 0x0488 */ void* SessionObject;
/* 0x0490 */ uint64_t VariablePart;
} TOKEN, *PTOKEN; /* size: 0x0498 */
You can aslo use this command to rebuild enums.
Copy HyperDbg> struct nt!POWER_ACTION
PowerActionNone = 0,
PowerActionReserved = 1,
PowerActionSleep = 2,
PowerActionHibernate = 3,
PowerActionShutdown = 4,
PowerActionShutdownReset = 5,
PowerActionShutdownOff = 6,
PowerActionWarmEject = 7,
PowerActionDisplayOff = 8,
It's possible to dump all of the structures, enums, and data types into a header file.
Copy 1: kHyperDbg> struct nt!* output NtHeader.h
The following command is used to inline each structure into the parent structure.
Copy HyperDbg> struct nt!_SID inline all
typedef struct _SID
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned char Revision;
/* 0x0001 */ unsigned char SubAuthorityCount;
/* 0x0002 */ unsigned char Value[6];
} /* size: 0x0006 */ IdentifierAuthority;
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned long SubAuthority[1];
} SID, *PSID; /* size: 0x000c */
The following command is used to recursively dump the nt!_TOKEN
structure and its sub-structures.
Copy 1: kHyperDbg> struct nt!_TOKEN def yes
#include <pshpack1.h>
typedef struct _LUID
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long LowPart;
/* 0x0004 */ long HighPart;
} LUID, *PLUID; /* size: 0x0008 */
typedef struct _TOKEN_SOURCE
/* 0x0000 */ char SourceName[8];
/* 0x0008 */ struct _LUID SourceIdentifier;
} TOKEN_SOURCE, *PTOKEN_SOURCE; /* size: 0x0010 */
typedef union _LARGE_INTEGER
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long LowPart;
/* 0x0004 */ long HighPart;
}; /* size: 0x0008 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long LowPart;
/* 0x0004 */ long HighPart;
} /* size: 0x0008 */ u;
/* 0x0000 */ __int64 QuadPart;
}; /* size: 0x0008 */
} LARGE_INTEGER, *PLARGE_INTEGER; /* size: 0x0008 */
typedef struct _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 Present;
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned __int64 Enabled;
/* 0x0010 */ unsigned __int64 EnabledByDefault;
typedef struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned char PerUserPolicy[30];
typedef struct _SEP_AUDIT_POLICY
/* 0x0000 */ struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY AdtTokenPolicy;
/* 0x001e */ unsigned char PolicySetStatus;
} SEP_AUDIT_POLICY, *PSEP_AUDIT_POLICY; /* size: 0x001f */
typedef enum _TOKEN_TYPE
TokenPrimary = 1,
TokenImpersonation = 2,
SecurityAnonymous = 0,
SecurityIdentification = 1,
SecurityImpersonation = 2,
SecurityDelegation = 3,
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long SidCount;
/* 0x0004 */ long Padding_0;
/* 0x0008 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* SidAttr;
/* 0x0010 */ unsigned __int64 Hash[32];
typedef struct _TOKEN
/* 0x0000 */ struct _TOKEN_SOURCE TokenSource;
/* 0x0010 */ struct _LUID TokenId;
/* 0x0018 */ struct _LUID AuthenticationId;
/* 0x0020 */ struct _LUID ParentTokenId;
/* 0x0028 */ union _LARGE_INTEGER ExpirationTime;
/* 0x0030 */ struct _ERESOURCE* TokenLock;
/* 0x0038 */ struct _LUID ModifiedId;
/* 0x0040 */ struct _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES Privileges;
/* 0x0058 */ struct _SEP_AUDIT_POLICY AuditPolicy;
/* 0x0077 */ char Padding_1;
/* 0x0078 */ unsigned long SessionId;
/* 0x007c */ unsigned long UserAndGroupCount;
/* 0x0080 */ unsigned long RestrictedSidCount;
/* 0x0084 */ unsigned long VariableLength;
/* 0x0088 */ unsigned long DynamicCharged;
/* 0x008c */ unsigned long DynamicAvailable;
/* 0x0090 */ unsigned long DefaultOwnerIndex;
/* 0x0094 */ long Padding_2;
/* 0x0098 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* UserAndGroups;
/* 0x00a0 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* RestrictedSids;
/* 0x00a8 */ void* PrimaryGroup;
/* 0x00b0 */ unsigned long* DynamicPart;
/* 0x00b8 */ struct _ACL* DefaultDacl;
/* 0x00c0 */ enum _TOKEN_TYPE TokenType;
/* 0x00c4 */ enum _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel;
/* 0x00c8 */ unsigned long TokenFlags;
/* 0x00cc */ unsigned char TokenInUse;
/* 0x00cd */ char Padding_3[3];
/* 0x00d0 */ unsigned long IntegrityLevelIndex;
/* 0x00d4 */ unsigned long MandatoryPolicy;
/* 0x00d8 */ struct _SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES* LogonSession;
/* 0x00e0 */ struct _LUID OriginatingLogonSession;
/* 0x00e8 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH SidHash;
/* 0x01f8 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH RestrictedSidHash;
/* 0x0308 */ struct _AUTHZBASEP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION* pSecurityAttributes;
/* 0x0310 */ void* Package;
/* 0x0318 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES* Capabilities;
/* 0x0320 */ unsigned long CapabilityCount;
/* 0x0324 */ long Padding_4;
/* 0x0328 */ struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH CapabilitiesHash;
/* 0x0438 */ struct _SEP_LOWBOX_NUMBER_ENTRY* LowboxNumberEntry;
/* 0x0440 */ struct _SEP_CACHED_HANDLES_ENTRY* LowboxHandlesEntry;
/* 0x0448 */ struct _AUTHZBASEP_CLAIM_ATTRIBUTES_COLLECTION* pClaimAttributes;
/* 0x0450 */ void* TrustLevelSid;
/* 0x0458 */ struct _TOKEN* TrustLinkedToken;
/* 0x0460 */ void* IntegrityLevelSidValue;
/* 0x0468 */ struct _SEP_SID_VALUES_BLOCK* TokenSidValues;
/* 0x0470 */ struct _SEP_LUID_TO_INDEX_MAP_ENTRY* IndexEntry;
/* 0x0478 */ struct _SEP_TOKEN_DIAG_TRACK_ENTRY* DiagnosticInfo;
/* 0x0480 */ struct _SEP_CACHED_HANDLES_ENTRY* BnoIsolationHandlesEntry;
/* 0x0488 */ void* SessionObject;
/* 0x0490 */ unsigned __int64 VariablePart;
} TOKEN, *PTOKEN; /* size: 0x0498 */
#include <poppack.h>
For implementing this command, pdbex is integrated into HyperDbg.
This command is guaranteed to keep debuggee in a halt state (in Debugger Mode); thus, nothing will change during its execution.
dt (display and map virtual memory to structures)
!dt (display and map physical memory to structures)
Mapping Data & Create Structures, and Enums From Symbols
Last updated 4 months ago