!idt (show Interrupt Descriptor Table entries)
Description of '!idt' command in HyperDbg.
!idt [IdtEntry (hex)]
Shows Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) entries.
[IdtEntry (hex)]
The target interrupt/exception/fault entry.
If you don't specify the IdtEntry, then all 256 entries of IDT will be shown.
The following command shows the IDT entries of the target debuggee.
3: kHyperDbg> !idt
IDT Entries:
IDT[0x0:0] : fffff801`4ce23b00 ntkrnlmp!KiDivideErrorFault
IDT[0x1:1] : fffff801`4ce23e40 ntkrnlmp!KiDebugTrapOrFault
IDT[0x2:2] : fffff801`4ce24440 ntkrnlmp!KiNmiInterruptStart
IDT[0x3:3] : fffff801`4ce249c0 ntkrnlmp!KiBreakpointTrap
IDT[0x4:4] : fffff801`4ce24d00 ntkrnlmp!KiOverflowTrap
IDT[0x5:5] : fffff801`4ce25040 ntkrnlmp!KiBoundFault
IDT[0x6:6] : fffff801`4ce25700 ntkrnlmp!KiInvalidOpcodeFault
IDT[0x7:7] : fffff801`4ce25d80 ntkrnlmp!KiNpxNotAvailableFault
IDT[0x8:8] : fffff801`4ce26140 ntkrnlmp!KiDoubleFaultAbort
IDT[0x9:9] : fffff801`4ce26480 ntkrnlmp!KiNpxSegmentOverrunAbort
IDT[0xa:10] : fffff801`4ce267c0 ntkrnlmp!KiInvalidTssFault
IDT[0xb:11] : fffff801`4ce26b00 ntkrnlmp!KiSegmentNotPresentFault
IDT[0xc:12] : fffff801`4ce26ec0 ntkrnlmp!KiStackFault
IDT[0xd:13] : fffff801`4ce27240 ntkrnlmp!KiGeneralProtectionFault
IDT[0xe:14] : fffff801`4ce275c0 ntkrnlmp!KiPageFault
IDT[0xf:15] : fffff801`4ce1a268 ntkrnlmp!KxUnexpectedInterrupt0+0x78
IDT[0x10:16] : fffff801`4ce27dc0 ntkrnlmp!KiFloatingErrorFault
IDT[0x11:17] : fffff801`4ce28180 ntkrnlmp!KiAlignmentFault
IDT[0x12:18] : fffff801`4ce284c0 ntkrnlmp!KiMcheckAbort
IDT[0x13:19] : fffff801`4ce29280 ntkrnlmp!KiXmmException
IDT[0x14:20] : fffff801`4ce29680 ntkrnlmp!KiVirtualizationException
IDT[0x15:21] : fffff801`4ce29d80 ntkrnlmp!KiControlProtectionFault
IDT[0x16:22] : fffff801`4ce1a2a0 ntkrnlmp!KxUnexpectedInterrupt0+0xb0
IDT[0x17:23] : fffff801`4ce1a2a8
IDT[0x18:24] : fffff801`4ce1a2b0
IDT[0x19:25] : fffff801`4ce1a2b8
IDT[0x1a:26] : fffff801`4ce1a2c0
IDT[0x1b:27] : fffff801`4ce1a2c8
IDT[0x1c:28] : fffff801`4ce1a2d0
IDT[0x1d:29] : fffff801`4ce1a2d8
IDT[0x1e:30] : fffff801`4ce1a2e0
IDT[0x1f:31] : fffff801`4ce1c6d0 ntkrnlmp!KiApcInterrupt
IDT[0x20:32] : fffff801`4ce1ea00 ntkrnlmp!KiSwInterrupt
IDT[0x21:33] : fffff801`4ce1a2f8 ntkrnlmp!KxUnexpectedInterrupt0+0x108
IDT[0x22:34] : fffff801`4ce1a300
IDT[0x23:35] : fffff801`4ce1a308
Another example of using this command to see a single IDT entry.
3: kHyperDbg> !idt e
IDT[0xe:14] : fffff801`4ce275c0 ntkrnlmp!KiPageFault
To get the IDT details, you need to use the following function in libhyperdbg
hyperdbg_u_get_idt_entry(INTERRUPT_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_ENTRIES_PACKETS * idt_packet);
Starting from v0.12, this command was added to the HyperDbg debugger.
This command is guaranteed to keep debuggee in a halt state (in Debugger Mode); thus, nothing will change during its execution.
Last updated